Before I post some pics of the place I work in (well, create in, anyway..), I wanted to show these pictures. They're not much more than scribbles done while i was listening to the CD, but at the same time, I drew each with an intent of what I would want to do later on as a painting/whatnot (if I ever get that mythological and far-off "free time" where I don't have to work on something "important.") I only made thru the first three and a half songs before I started to pass out. Working reeeeeally late at night can be fun.
In reverse listing, because I'm still figuring out the blogger photo thingy...
Pray For Me
Yes, I have a sick twisted sense of humor. I want to do a surrealist type painting of this scene of the main character sprawled out and bloody on a stretcher where his body and the surrounding materials make it look like a cross. It works for me.
(if you can believe it, anyway.)
I was getting an image of Nikki in the alleyway in Asia, saying "Like fuck I'm gonna die." Then kinda fastforwarding to the line from "Dancing on Glass"
Valentine's in London, found me in the Trash....
Van Nuys
I think it's kinda self-explainatory here. If I could go back and redo my painting now, I would.
X-Mas In Hell
Oddly enough, this is what I decided on if I ever pick up the paintings again. I want to do a more fish-eye lens of it, though. I think it'll look super-fucked-up then.
Photos to come soon. At some point. I think.