Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Holy Crap. What a Day.

So, I wake up this morning and get told my one class is not going to be held for the second time this week. I am rather happy about it, but a little nervous because I have a project due monday in that class and I have no idea what I'm doing (primarily because I've been working on other stuff this week...). So I take my time getting up and working on some artwork today.  Around 4pm, a light goes off above my head before it bursts into full blown sirens. There's a fire alarm in my apartment, so I dive out to the street with my shoes, my wallet, my keys and my phone. It takes a few minutes, but one of the guys living on the thirdfloor peeks his head out of his window, the window billowing smoke, and he yells, "Sorry guys!"

"What the hell did you burn?" I shouted back.

"Easy Mac!"

........while I stood and tried to ponder the complexities of how the fuck someone could burn easymac, three firetrucks showed up, checked out the upstairs apartment, and left. I file it under the same category as the phonecall I got last year from a friend after he got hit by a car, and went to try the new Sushi place in CampusTown right next to the University.

Guess what? It's affordable and it doesn't suck! I had some cali rolls and one of their house special rolls before shuffling back to artwork. And then I got my third nugget of "What a freakin day" happening to me. I sent off some of the artwork I drew in the past few years to Sixx Sense (Nikki Sixx's new radio show) and they posted up on the site. I'm very happy of this! A LOT of hours went into both of those pictures, so feel free to check them out over there on the site.

And I still have a few hours left before I ususally go to bed. What next?

Catch you guys later....

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