Friday, February 20, 2009

The Heroin Diaries

Before I post some pics of the place I work in (well, create in, anyway..), I wanted to show these pictures. They're not much more than scribbles done while i was listening to the CD, but at the same time, I drew each with an intent of what I would want to do later on as a painting/whatnot (if I ever get that mythological and far-off "free time" where I don't have to work on something "important.") I only made thru the first three and a half songs before I started to pass out. Working reeeeeally late at night can be fun. 

In reverse listing, because I'm still figuring out the blogger photo thingy...
Pray For Me
Yes, I have a sick twisted sense of humor. I want to do a surrealist type painting of this scene of the main character sprawled out and bloody on a stretcher where his body and the surrounding materials make it look like a cross. It works for me. 

Life Is Beautiful
(if you can believe it, anyway.)
I was getting an image of Nikki in the alleyway in Asia, saying "Like fuck I'm gonna die." Then kinda fastforwarding to the line from "Dancing on Glass" 
Valentine's in London, found me in the Trash....

Van Nuys
I think it's kinda self-explainatory here. If I could go back and redo my painting now, I would. 

X-Mas In Hell
Oddly enough, this is what I decided on if I ever pick up the paintings again. I want to do a more fish-eye lens of it, though. I think it'll look super-fucked-up then.

Photos to come soon. At some point. I think. 

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Slight Change...

In order to try to get my mind out of the dark pit it usually drags itself into, Devil's Grave has been changed to Ramblings & Rants. I know it's a lame title, but it's also open to the public, albeit having an adult tag on it. I like to say "fuck" twice as much when I'm pissed. 

Photos will be done once I get my hidey-hole cleaned. 

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Wait, another blog?

If you look at my account, there are quite a few blogs sitting on there. Two of them are parts of research projects, and one of them is a private journal for rants, ramblings and general screams to the world. It doesn't have anything in it as of yet, but I'll probably throw something together when I feel so inclined. 

Here's a short list of the blogs:

Axel Kimagawa's Ramblings
(a blog about MM333: Introduction to Research in Virtual Environments. Most of this blog uses notes taken from observations in the virtual-reality program called SecondLife. It's complete, but my professor has asked us to keep it up for at least another year. It doesn't cost me anything, so I'm cool with it.)

Rock'n'Roll Geisha
(This is for the follow-up course to the last one - MM444: Field Research in Virtual Environments. We're studying a specific place in SL, but I don't have much to post in the way of findings yet (I'm a bit behind on the work, honestly.) Stuff will be updated in there as it goes - as long as our group allows it.) 

Devil's Grave
(Angsty Screams and Idyllic Musings. In short, what I think about the world that really doesn't belong on "professional" sites (such as the DeviantArt site I have, or my personal portfolio that has yet to be re-launched). At this point, I'm not screaming at things all that much, so it's pretty empty.) 

Why the new blog?

As a musician and an artist, I do a lot of creativity at home (wherever home may be at this point in time.) To that extent, my belief is that in order to create, one must have an environment that is beneficial to that end. If you want to call it feng shui, then go on ahead. I also find it kind of amusing to see where some of your favorite (or just rather interesting) works are created. 

In very short summary without the flowery crap: I'm posting pictures of my working space as it changes throughout college and afterwords. Deal with it.