Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Welcome Back.

"You now have Six weeks left in the semester. Have a good time!" 

Shiiiit. As if I wasn't trying to pull my shit together long enough to launch the portfolio site, I need to catch up in uber-quantities after being sick. I'm still kinda sick, but not sick enough to get out of classes. 

I promised photos, right? Here are some photos. They're not the exact ones I promised, but it shows you I'm alive, ya?

The photo above is basically my portable art station:
(1): Mac Book Pro (15 inch)
(1): Champions Online Backpack full of tech gear (portable harddrives, USB memory sticks)
(1): Wacom Graphire4 Tablet (beaten to shit but still usable)
(1): Soon-To

-Be-Replaced Adobe CS3. As soon as I get the money for it...

It's funny, I used to carry a sketchbook all the time about a year ago, now lookit me....I'm almost 100% Digital and it's kinda scary.

Movin on...a few quick shots of my cat. He's a wonderful little thing, but getting on in yea
rs like you wouldn't believe. Yes, that is an eyetooth sticking out of his mouth. 
He wouldn't stand still...the rest of the shots came out blurry. 
More later, I promise. 

-N Graves

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