Sunday, February 7, 2010


Yup, 's me trying to put together another blog that'll be a little more about artwork than computer issues.

Both of my current game design projects have been going pretty steadily, although I find myself wishing a lot that there were more hours in the day. I'm thinking about looking into the market for a protective wrist strap because I had to stop tonight after my wrist wouldn't stop hurting. I've come to learn a few things that I need to work on a lot during this semester (and beyond):

  • I need to take less time drawing something. Takes me about an hour to do a simple sketch - I need to get it down to a half hour if possible. Just a personal goal anyway.
  • I need to draw more environment sketches. I think that even after we're done with the current game project in IM 471 and go on to other things, I still need to work more on this stuff. I never did a lot with backgrounds when I was younger, so I haven't gotten comfortable with drawing in perspective. It's something I need to work on too.
Speaking of 471, I might as well post what we've been working on this week. Or rather, what I've been working on.

The worldscape for my game is one of insanely high skyscrapers that are continually having floors added every few centuries. As the technology at the bottom of the skyscraper becomes outdated, they simply build on top of it, leaving various labyrinths underneath a "sparkling utopia." I tried to draw references from a lot of post-apocalyptic gameworlds I've seen, plus the way that some buildings are stacked on top of one another like legos in China/Japan and those areas. The world is supposed to be an even balance of magic and technology, a Cyber Punk kind of place where sleek design exists side by side with grunge and sharp angles. I worked on this thing for several hours, but it's still barely done. It's the image on the left.
That's all I've got for now. I need to rest my arms and sleep so I can finish creating my paper game for my other class. When I get a chance, THOSE drawings I'm also going to improve.

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